Friday, October 12, 2007

Blogdom Appeals To Me I Can Say What I Want

I've been harvesting my crop the last week or so...I enjoyed moving to Oregon when i fist got here, the laws are hella more liberal thatn in the south, but the redneck factor is just as embarrassingly high as the south.

But, I harvested some like on the left, it's called White's banging shit.

I do love smoking bud...I just recently put down the whiskey bottle, I've been drunk for like the past 5 years or more...

I broke my tailbone on the black label evan, I slid down the stairs on my ass, that was when I wighed about 40 lbs more than now, I've dropped a bunch...So we're smoking it up, or I am cause I gots a card...

Al Gore winning thNobel Peace Prize. What a world...

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